Book Wiki
The I Inside
Cover of the book "The I Inside"
Cover of the book "The I Inside"
Author Alan Dean Foster
Publisher Futura Publications
Language EN
Year 1985
ISBN 0-7088-8115-7
Product details
Pages 314
Binding paperback
Edition 1
Genre /fiction/scifi/
About Science fiction

"The I Inside" is a book written by Alan Dean Foster in a set sci-fi fiction genre. This paperback edition published in 1985 by "Futura Publications" without series.


Science fiction. For over 100 years, the machine called Colligatarch had ruled the Earth. Its predictions of the future have proved so accurate that humans accepted its recommendations as the best course of action until a young engineer in Phoenix begins to travel without authorization, enter secret places, assume aliases, and display super-human feats of strength. Is it because he has fallen in love? Or has he instead fallen into an interplanetary plot?

A young human has love at first sight and how he searchs for her and finds out he is not really human and how he survives and finds his love to escape to a place where they can live in peace. A engineer sees a girl in a passing vehicle and is immediately in love. How does that relate to a threat to the Colligatarch, the global computer in this near-future novel. Reads well, hides the threat for a long time while providing an entertaining ride.

As for what Alan Dean Foster planned to do with the story, the only statement we've found from him so far is that, as of October 11, 2002, he mentions in the FAQ on his website that it's among the stories that Hollywood studios have optioned.

More about the author[]

